Cycling Toolbox workshop

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      Stephen Knight, Advocacy Manager for Bike NZ, is organising
      a series of regional workshops on changes in transport
      management and their significant for cycling.

      The workshop for the Wellington region will take place on
      Sunday 19 June, 9:00-1:30, Sport Wellington Region, 113
      Adelaide Rd, Wellington. A copy of the workshop programme
      is follows.

      BikeNZ will assist where needed with travel costs for those
      travelling to the workshop by public transport, or the costs
      of hiring a vehicle for travel (but not the petrol put in
      it); however, they will not cover petrol or mileage costs
      for a private vehicle.

      If you have any queries about the workshop, or would like to
      register your intention to attend, please contact Stephen
      Knight, 04-916 1873, The workshop is
      filling up fast, so get in touch with Stephen asap.


      Robert Ibell

      Cycle Aware Wellington Inc.
      PO Box 11-964, Wellington, NZ
      Tel/Fax: 04-972 2552

      The Cycling Toolbox
      A Workshop on Changes in Transport Management
      and the Significance for Cyclists
      June 2005
      Stephen Knight, BikeNZ

      Purpose of Workshop
      There are numerous examples of good ideas aimed at getting people on bikes. In addition, the past three years have seen major changes in transport legislation, along with a marked increase in local government commitment to incorporate cycling into sustainable transport strategies. Ideally, these trends should be coming together to produce a far more favourable climate for cycling.
      This workshop reviews these trends in order to provide attendees with a ?toolbox? of ways to boost cycling. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between decision-makers and those in the community promoting cycling.

      (Total Running Time: 4.5 hours)
      Note: As part of the workshop, participants will receive an information pack providing further detail on each of the sessions outlined below.

      1.0 Introduction (10 minutes)
      An outline of the workshop and its goals, and a brief introduction to BikeNZ.

      2.0 Some Good Ideas (60 minutes)
      ? Engineering ? examples of good designs
      ? Education ? the targeting of different sectors of society;
      ? Enforcement ? changing the behaviour of road users;
      ? Encouragement ? how to shift people from one mode of transport to another.
      Breakout participants to identify and discuss their own examples of good ideas.

      3.0 Main Central Government Changes (60 minutes)
      The significance of:
      ? the NZ Transport Strategy 2002
      ? Land Transport Management Act 2003
      ? the formation of Land Transport New Zealand
      ? the national walking and cycling strategy (Getting There On Foot By Cyc!e)
      ? other strategies and legislation related to sustainability and integrated planning.
      Breakout participants to discuss the meaning of sustainable transport.

      Break ?10 minutes

      3.0 Local Authority Initiatives (60 minutes)
      The significance of:
      ? Long Term Council Community Plans,
      ? regional land transport strategies and district land transport programmes
      ? the evolution of regional and district cycling strategies.

      4.0 Lobbying and the Cone of Experience (40 minutes)
      Armed with the knowledge above, how do you apply it? Tips from those who are on the receiving end of lobby groups.

      5.0 Funding Opportunities (20 minutes)
      Which organisations hold the purse-strings, and how to apply to get money/assistance.

      7.0 Summary (20 minutes)
      Recap of the day.
      Feedback form.

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