Day trip to Karori Sanctuary – Nov 3rd

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    • #14500 Reply
      Frances Gazley

      Come bird spotting in the Karori Sanctuary. This is a family trip, but all members are welcome.
      The cost for Non-Sanctuary members will be Ad $10, Children $4; pre-schoolers are free.
      If Saturday is wet, the trip will be run on Sunday.
      We will meet beside the tuatara donation box inside the entry gate soon after 10.00am.
      We can wander up the valley and maybe have a picnic lunch beneath the Dam face.
      A return boat ride can be taken from the Wetlands. The last sailing departs at 2.30pm. Cost is $3/adult; $2/child.


    • #17953 Reply

      Karori Sanctuary day trip this Saturday meeting at 10am inside Sanctuary gate – see earlier forum message for details.
      Interested punters need to lodge their names on the trip list tonight at club or with me (see club address list) or with the Chief Guide Geoff Keey 4753373 please. I will ring all by 8.30am Saturday morning if this trip is postponed to Sunday because of bad weather.
      There are saddleback and North Island robin fledglings in the lower valley at present. Stitchbird pairs are nesting and tuatara are out on warm days providing easy viewing.
      Don’t forget to bring your binoculars!

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