Deadline for Journal Submissions is 1st November

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    • #15765 Reply

      The deadline for submissions to be included in this year’s Journal is the 1st of November.

      We still need more stories and photos so please contribute!

      Don’t feel you need to write a Tararua tome to compete with War and Peace; short and sweet is good. If you have plenty of photos that’s even better.
      You can send your literary and photographic works of art to or just hand them over to me at a club night.


    • #18842 Reply

      Come on people! Even if nobody has run over a Wombat yet this year there have still been some epic adventures that need to be recorded as part of WTMC history. Don’t be shy. Here are 5 reasons for firing up microsoft word and putting your fingers to the keyboard, (I’m sure Ian will accept hand written submissions as well though).

      1. We need something to read up at the Lodge during those rare times when the ski field isn’t open, the sun is not shining really brightly, conversation is drying up, it’s too early to go to bed and nobody remembered the board games.
      2. The journal makes a great Xmas present for those people who have everything and claim they don’t want anything (they are lying).
      3. Just like with newsletter articles this is your chance to tell the stories from your tramps from your perspective. There is no rule about writing fiction v non fiction v science fiction (ok please not too much sci fi!). Once your story is in black and white it becomes the one source of The Truth. Nobody will believe anyone else.
      4. The journal is our way of promoting WTMC, inspiring people to take up tramping and other outdoor activities and showing off New Zealand’s cool wilderness.
      5. Ian is doing a great job putting the journal together but like everything we do it’s a community effort. He needs your support. The best way to support him is to send in your articles and pictures.

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