Dehydrated instant hummus – where can I buy it?

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    • #12010 Reply
      Lee-Ann Mitchell

      For those wanting something new on the sammies or pitas I have found a new product on the market which supermarkets hshuld be stocking more of soon.
      Nearly every second person I know whips out a container of Hummus ( particulary Lisa’s hummus) which isnt to bad to carry around, but inst shelf stable and all that weight adds up…….(especially if you are doing an upcoming Christmas Trip)
      Heres how to gourmet without the weight and pretty tasty for something without meat!

      Lisa’s Instant Hummus is a completely natural vegetarian dish, high in nutrients and fibre. It has no artificial additives. Easily used when tramping as is dehydrated and comes as a powder and does not require refridgeration.

      Pack size: 175 gm
      Makes approximately 480 gm’S%20INSTANT%20HUMMUS

    • #18924 Reply
      Lee-Ann Mitchell

      Christmas & Summer trips are coming up and you are probably looking for lightweight food ideas that wont go off in the heat.
      Ive managed to get some Lisa’s Instant dehydrated hummus down from Auckland as no-one in Wellington wanted to stock it urgently…..
      Ive got about half a dozen extra boxes ( I like it, but not that much!) and 1 packet will make up about 2-1/2 cups of hummus…so you can put as much /as little as you need to take away with you in a ziploc bag…you just add water when you need it.
      If you want to try some …let me know, cross my palm with a $5 note and a box is yours!

    • #18925 Reply
      Paul Jennings

      I got some of this from pak n sav kilbernie about 3 or 4 weeks ago?

    • #18926 Reply
      Lee-Ann Mitchell

      Thanks Paul for advice on where to get the next assignment of goodies..who would have thought Kilbirnie was the gastronomical gourmet centre of the capital! ..New world and Moore Wilsons just dont rate now! Glad to see a good keen tramping man moving away from marmite and into something a bit more tasty and top notch…Miss Chief will be proud…and punters will be scrambling to sign up for your trip now knowing you serve up great grub!
      Punters I can vouch that this man even carts in pesto to add the elegant touch to a stodgy packet stuff here! Jamie Oliver…watch out!

    • #18927 Reply
      Stuart Douce

      Dried/powdered hummus is available at Chaffers New World supermarket. Aisle 6, at the end nearest the tills on the top shelf. Casbah brand. Sits on
      the shelf with boxes of dried falafel, tabbouleh, couscous etc

      dont forget your coupon key card!

    • #18928 Reply
      Craig Jones

      Both of Wanganui?s supermarkets stock Casbah instant humus, but you?d expect this from a forward moving, vibrant business centre such as that. I even have the contact details for the lower North Island distributor if buying a pallet of 500 boxes does it for you?.

    • #18929 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      I thought Lee-Ann was the North Island distributor…

    • #18930 Reply

      I’m sure I once heard a rumour that you could buy dehydrated Hummus for long tramping trips in New World Chaffers. I had a good look yesterday, and asked the staff (who I think thought I was crazy), to no avail. Anyone know where it can be procured? And if anyone says I should just dehydrate my own… no… I can’t be bothered!

    • #18931 Reply

      Hey Beccy, why don’t you just make your own? ;-)

      I found people talking about dehy instant hummus here as far back as 2002 so I’ve merged the all the forum threads for your reading pleasure.

      Looks like Casbah Instant Hummus is the thing to find. Lisa’s used to make it but no longer it seems. It might be available in the Mediterranean section of Countdown, and you can get it online from Amazon and the like.

      If you do track some down, let me know!

      Cheers, Mike.

    • #18933 Reply

      Wow – thanks Mike. Useful info!

      ….now why don’t I make my own….??

      hmmm let me see….. too lazy…. already done enough food dehydrating this year…. basically I think it’ll be easier to buy! I’ll let you know if I find it. Doesn’t look like any definite leads here…. just lots of places that used to sell it. Probably no time to do mail order given I’m leaving in two days, but I may bear it in mind for future!

    • #18966 Reply
      Janine Maddison

      Hi. Where snouts on Pak n Save was it. I’m not expecting the staff to know and I’m currently doing the Te Araroa trail so it would be great for me. Thanks

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