DoC Notice – North Ohau

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    • #12801 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Important notice to visitors

      North Ohau Hut

      ? North Ohau Hut (Grid ref. NZMS260 S25134547) has been removed from the Tararua Forest Park.
      ? No accommodation is available in the North Ohau Catchment
      ? It is advisable to carry a tent or tent fly if planning to stay over night in this area
      ? A new 4 bunk hut is planned for the North Ohau Valley and is expected to be completed in early 2006

      For your safety, every effort has been made to ensure this information is correct. However, you should always seek more information before you begin your trip and be prepared to change your trip according to conditions.

      For an update or further information contact:
      Wayne Boness, Programme Manager Visitor Assets, Kapiti Area Office
      Ph: (04) 296 1112 or 027 628 9240

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