DoC Notice – Somes Island

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    • #14115 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Important notice to visitors

      Asbestos being removed from Matiu/Somes Island

      Work begins on September 12 to remove and replace asbestos material from some buildings on Matiu/Somes Island over the next 14 weeks.

      ? The island will remain open to the public while the work is in progress, with the construction area cordoned off and signposted.
      ? A traffic management plan will be put in place by the contractor to ensure safety on the road between the wharf and construction site when material is brought in and taken off the island by barge.
      ? Access to the public will be restricted to the track around the perimeter and to the top of the island.
      ? The South end will be open during dry weather only
      ? There will be no access to the visitor centre as this is within the construction site. Public toilets are at the wharf area.

      For more information please contact
      Peter Simpson, Area Manager
      Poneke Area Office, Ph. (04) 472 5821 or
      Wellington Conservation Information Centre, Ph (04) 472 7356

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