DoC Research on Crime at Road-Ends

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    • #12842 Reply
      Grant Newton

      DoC are conducting research on crime at road-ends in a bid to improve visitor experiences ……. you may have heard all about it last evening.

      It would be get good to get the following that can be fed back to DoC:

      – Experiences of crime at road-ends eg vehicle break-ins
      – Where you believe are the problem areas
      – How does this risk impose on your use of the outdoors
      – Suggestions of ways to avoid this type of crime (most important!)

      Please post any info here and I will collate a response from the club

    • #16862 Reply
      Peter McKellar from Rotorua


      I would be interested to know the preson who is doing this research. As you probably know , the central north island is rife with theft and break ins to cars.

      I would be interesting in participating in such a survey and would also be interested in the results.

      Another sort of theft that is going on is that some van and taxi companys are perpetuationg rumours of the dangers of leaving cars at road ends because they have a nice little business ferrying tourists around and looking after cars. Just perpetuating stories about maybe one or two incidents can make the problem look bigger than it is.

      Peter from the Rotorua T&S Club.

    • #16863 Reply
      Grant Newton
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