DOC Track and Hut Update – HAWKE?S BAY AREA OFFICE

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      Secretary WTMC

      December 2006 Track and Hut Update


      Kaweka and Ruahine Tracks Maintenance to the Kaweka tracks damaged by the heavy winter snows is underway. This applies to those in the Donald River, to the Makino and Mackintosh huts, Lotkow Road areas and the Black Birch Range. These tracks are passable but allow for additional time to walk around windfalls and slips. Further Kaweka tracks to be maintained in January and February include those in the vicinity of Mangaturutu, Mackintosh and Te Puke huts and Tira Lodge.
      Ruahine tracks recently maintained include tracks to Gold Creek, Dead Dog, Waipawa Forks and Herricks huts and planned for early in 2007 tracks to Hinerua and Daphne huts.

      Kaweka Forest Park Access
      The private bridge across the Makahu Stream at the beginning of Makahu Road into ?The Gums? camping area remains closed and vehicles will need to use the concrete based ford for access. Caution is required as the crossing cannot be used when the river is high.

      Access through Pan Pac Forests
      Due to logging operations Charlie Brown Road, behind Robsons Lodge, is closed to walkers and vehicles for the next two years. Please comply with this requirement.
      Huts New fire boxes were recently installed at Tussock and Otutu huts and the Harkness, Ngaawapurua, Tussock and Mackintosh huts and Sparrow Hawk biv were recently painted.

      Dogs Kiwi deaths caused by dogs have resulted in dog restrictions. The only dogs permitted to be taken into the Kaweka & Ruahine Forest Parks and the Tarawera/Stoney Creek Conservation Areas will be certified hunting dogs, being actively used for hunting purposes at that time and whose owners have a Permit to Hunt With Dogs. All other dogs are banned. The permit will only be issued to hunters whose dogs have undergone an approved avian aversion training course and hold a current Bird Safe Certificate. For more information refer to the DOC website

      Kuripapango Vehicle access to the Oxbow pasture area is temporarily closed for safety reasons. Upgrading of camping facilities at the Cameron amenity area and the Oxbow pasture area, including safe access from the Napier/Taihape road is planned to start about September 2007.

      Rubbish Rubbish left behind at some huts and landing sites continues to be a problem. Remember ? if you take it in ? it is your responsibility to take it out.

      Fires Public conservation land is under a permanent restricted fire season ? this means that fires are by permit only. Gas cookers and fires in permanent fire places are permitted. Due to current dry conditions visitors are asked to be vigilant and to also take extra care when passing through Pan Pac or Maori land.

      Further Information Department of Conservation
      Hawke?s Bay Area Office
      59 Marine Parade, P O Box 644
      NAPIER Telephone: (06) 834 3111
      Fax: (06) 834 4869

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