East Harbour Regional Park Management Plan Review

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      Greater Wellington is reviewing the East Harbour Regional Park management plan and we would like you to be part of the process. We would like to know your aims and aspirations for the park and the management plan and how you would like to be involved in the management planning process.

      The East Harbour Regional Park management plan review is undertaken in accordance with the Local Government Act 1974 and the Reserves Act 1977. We have placed public notices in the region?s main newspapers inviting written comments and submissions on the park and the management plan by 30 June 2005. A draft plan will then be prepared and submissions requested over a two-month period. We anticipate a draft plan will be ready by the end of this year, for consultation in January and February next year.

      The draft East Harbour Regional Park management plan will be consistent with the Regional Parks Network Management Plan, formally approved by Council last year. Copies of the current East Harbour Regional Park Management Plan and the Regional Parks Network Management Plan can be viewed at the Upper Hutt Depot, 1056 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt, or at the Wellington Office, Wakefield Street.

      We look forward to hearing your views and working with you in developing the new management plan for East Harbour Regional Park. I can be contacted by phone during normal working hours or by email.

      Trecia Smith
      Advisor – Planning and Policy
      Parks and Forests
      Direct dial: 04 381 7753

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