Fantastic climbing book for christmas

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      My friend Peter Laurenson from NZAC has just published one of the most spectacular and engrossing climbing and alpine books I’ve ever come across.

      Not only is it chock full of some of the most spectacular alpine photography you’ll come across, but it combines this with some of the best narrative of what it means to be driven to the outdoors, why this is, and one man’s ongoing journey from tramping to mountain climbing. The candid and self aware writing really resonated with me.

      So, if you’re pondering what to buy for friends and family who tramp or climb, or think that you’re mad for wanting to yourself, this is the perfect present for them. Or for you, to transport yourself to Aoraki, Ngaruhoe or K2 over the holidays from the comfort of your lounge.

      Take a virtual tour through the book, and order it from the link above!

      Cheers, Mike.

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