Flatmate wanted (Tawa)

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    • #12590 Reply

      The competition for flatmates is heating up, Lisa! But we may well be looking at different niches in the market, so fear not.

      I’m looking for a flatmate for the 3 double-brm place I’m buying in Linden, at the far end of Tawa. It’s about 3 minutes’ walk from Kenepuru Station, and the train ride to Wellington is less than 20 minutes. It has sun, views, fruit trees, and room for a veggie garden. There’s also off-street parking. By the end of next week it will have a freshly-painted kitchen.

      Now for the major attraction: I’m only looking for $80/week! Great for anyone saving to travel or buy their own place.

      I’m at 4747121 (work) and 383 9868 (home, until 28 Jan).

      Cheers – Gerald

    • #16711 Reply
      Sue Nightingale

      Hi Gerald,

      On Wednesday, I left a mesasge on your work answerphone regarding your above advertisement.

      I have not heard back from you and am wondering if you received it? It may be that you have found a suitable person already?

      I can be contacted at work – 494-5501 or by email.


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