Go by Bike Day -28th February 7-9am Civic Square

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      I thought many clubbies may be interested in this event.
      Other Bikewise events can be seen at


      From the Cycle Aware Wellington Website http://www.mountainbike.co.nz/politics/caw/
      If you are a regular or would-be cycling commuter, celebrate Go By Bike Day in Wellington’s Civic Square between 7am and 9am. Big free breakfast, prize draws, freebies and music!

      15 February: Media Release

      Thousands of Wellingtonians are bucking a national trend and getting on their bikes.

      ?In 1996, 1.5 percent of people rode a bike on census day, rising to 2.2 percent in 2001. When the 2006 census figures come out, we expect this healthy trend to continue,? says Cycle Aware Wellington spokesperson Patrick Morgan.

      Cyclists are celebrating with a free breakfast on Go By Bike Day, Wednesday 28
      February. About a thousand Wellington cyclists will gather in Civic Square to celebrate the bicycle as a great way to get around.

      The event, run by Cycle Aware Wellington, will see cyclists demolish a free breakfast and take advantage of bike checks, prizes, entertainment and guest speakers from 7 to 9am.

      Go By Bike Day aims to reward those who are already cycling regularly, and to encourage others to give it a go.

      Over the ten years the event has been held in Wellington attendance has grown quickly. “Wellington’s Go By Bike Day is the biggest in New Zealand, reflecting the attractiveness of cycling as a transport option in the capital,” says Mr Morgan. “Last year, the breakfast attracted over 900 cyclists. This year we expect to top one thousand.”

      ?Kiwis are concerned about climate change and are looking for ways to reduce their carbon emissions,? he says. “Our transport system is the major source of greenhouse gases, but cycling is practically carbon neutral.”

      Bagels, fruit and coffee are the only fuel cyclists need to get to work.?

      Go By Bike Day is part of national Bike Wise Week. It is supported by Wellington City Council, URS, Penny Farthing Cycles, Commonsense Organics and Bike Wise.

      Speakers at Go By Bike Day include:
      Rachel Mercer
      Simon Kennett, Cycling Advocates’ Network
      Celia Wade-Brown, Wellington City Councillor
      Kerry Prendergast, Wellington Mayor
      Annette King, Minister of Transport
      Speaker from URS
      Ian KcKinnon, Wellington City Councillor
      Trevor Mallard, Minister of Sport & Recreation

      Facts about cycling
      – Cycling is among the ten top leisure activities in New Zealand. About 15 percent of adults enjoy cycling every year ? that?s about 411,000 cyclists.
      – Bikes outsell cars. One million bikes have been imported to New Zealand since 2001, about one bike for every four people.
      – In 2005, the bicycle won a UK survey of people’s favourite inventions, with 60 percent of the vote.

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