Got a mid-week tramping trip planned for Otaki Forks area in Sept?

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      We received the following notification about huts in Otaki Forks area. You may want to bear it in mind if you plan to head to that area on the 2nd-4th or the 17-19th September.

      Otaki College plans to do two multiday tramps in the Otaki Forks area on the following dates:

      •Tuesday, September 2nd-Thursday September 4th

      •Wednesday, September 17th-Friday, September 19th

      For both these trips the group number will be 20 persons. Therefore, these are large groups. Students are learning about responsibility in the outdoors which will include hut etiquette and being considerate of others. However, due to the large group numbers we will be taking up much of the hut space. Hence the email.

      Huts that we plan to use will depend on weather but could include:

      •Field Hut

      •Kime Hut

      •Parawai Hut

      •Waiotaura Hut

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