Grenada/Petone Link Road

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    • #15662 Reply

      Has anyone ever heard much about the possibility of a Grenada/Petone link road, and what the plans might be? The possibility is mentioned in this WCC press release.

      Just curious with how it might affect Belmont Regional Park, but also wondering about alternative walking access to the Hutt Valley from the J’ville area, and maybe alternative access into BRP as a consequence. Guessing the plan is actually for something that would link up Horokiwi Road with Grenada Village.

      Presently there’s no legal access way to walk between Wellington and the Hutt Valley except for following SH2 (more terrifying towards the Petone end), unless you walk all the way out to Cannons Creek and across Belmont RP, but that’s not very practical.

    • #18782 Reply

      It’s on NZTA’s site – with an estimated completion date of 2024. Which in road planning terms probably means 2194…

      Here’s a map of the route, from the “Ngauranga Triangle Strategy Study” that is linked to from the above page.

    • #18783 Reply

      Awesome. Thanks for that reference.

    • #18796 Reply
    • #18797 Reply

      Petone to Grenada Road has been discussed since 1975.

      Takapu Motorway has appeared overnight and been tacked onto the Petone to Grenada Road, bundling the two together to force Takapu motorway by stealth. It’s a brazen move before the election. Wellingtonians should be concerned – a major new motorway, no discussion, no planning, no democracy.

      The two major roads (Petone to Grenada vs Takapu Motorway) must be decoupled and discussed properly.

      The other option is to widen the existing short secton of SH1 from Grenada to Linden (as was always planned with Transmission Gully) instead of building another motorway up rugged Takapu Valley (which was formed by a major NE-SW fault, which makes it topography so challenging and interesting). It all seems madness.

      Why should recreation users be concerned? At least one Belmont Regional Park entrance will go, and a second is in question.

      There is no evidence that SH1 Grenada to Linden even needs widening (based on traffic figures), and therefore even less evidence that the Takapu motorway is justified despite NZTA setting the Takapu community against Tawa residents for home/land losses.

      Andy Forster admitted in a RadioNZ interview that NZTA just dropped the Takapu motorway on WCC before Xmas.

      I feel like NZTA are out of control.

    • #18798 Reply

      Here’s a link to a map to better understand the whole Takapu Motorway issue as it relates to the Petone to Grenada Link Road at

      If the map below is cut off, then go to


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