Halloween Barbacue/Bonfire

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    • #12798 Reply
      sharron came

      We’re looking for volunteers to organise the Club barbacue/bonfire at Makara beach on Saturday Oct 29 (could switch to Sun 30 if weather is dodgey on 29th).

      This position would suit technically inclined persons with pyromanic tendancies and an extensive wardrobe of non flammable clothing.

      Must be good at plonking driftwood into piles and setting it alight.

      Barbacue works on same principle just another fuel source.

      Some charring of previously edible protein involved.

      May serve as good warm up for following weekend.

      If you cant do this particular barbacue/bonfire we also need volunteers for the Xmas one at Kaitkoke Sat Dec 8.

      If this sounds like you feel free to get in touch.

    • #16829 Reply
      Geoff Keey

      I think the club’s best pyro is probably Paul Hughes…



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