High Five-0 Challenge

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      I’m participating in the High Five-0 Challenge. This is a running event created by Mal Law to raise money for the NZ Mental Health Foundation. Mal is planning on running up 50 peaks over 50 days. I’m going to be participating in Day 1 of the Challenge which involves running up Rangitoto Peak as part of the Tarawera Ultramarathon.

      If you’d like to sponsor me the link below will hopefully take you through to the fundraising page I’ve set up. Obviously $ support for the NZ Mental Health Foundation is the priority but I’ll take moral support as well, as 100km is a lot further than I’ve ever run before.

      Alternatively, you might like to run with Mal yourself!
      Plenty of peaks to choose from. Mt Taranaki anyone?
      Plenty of time to train, the event kicks off on 7 February 2015.


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