Historic tramping equipment for Te Papa Exhibition

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    • #13998 Reply
      Katja Riedel

      Hi Folks!

      Kirstie from Te Papa is looking for historic tramping equipment. The older the better. She is probably coming to our next club meeting. Have a think and check out if you have any gear that might be suitable. We cannot allow that there is only TTC stuff in the exhibition!!!!! ;-)



      Dear Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club

      I am currently trying to locate historic tramping and mountaineering
      equipment, particularly gear that was used in Fiordland National Park or by
      well-known tramping personalities, during particularly memorable tramps, or
      with interesting stories associated with it. I am hoping that you may have have a collection of such objects, or know of individuals who do.
      (I have also contacted the Tararua Tramping Club and Ian Cooksley, who I understand is involved in the Tararua Tramping Museum Trust.)

      This is with a view to selecting suitable display items for an exhibition
      about New Zealanders interactions with the landscape, which will be opening
      here at Te Papa in April next year.

      If it would help I am happy to provide further details about the exhibition
      and the types of artefacts that I have in mind.

      Best regards
      Kirstie Ross
      Curator History
      phone 04 381 7140

    • #17637 Reply
      Jim Kimber

      Maybe we could donate Harry?

    • #17638 Reply

      Just his gear would be sufficient

    • #17643 Reply
      Dave Catchpole

      I have an iceaxe from 1950 period manufactured in Wellington.A real one not one of these funny little things!!They were sold through Small Sports Goods in Mercer street.
      At the time the only others available were expensive overseas ones brought into the country by Coberger from Arthurs Pass.

    • #17644 Reply

      Sounds like a beauty Dave.

      I never new that ice axes were made in NZ, but I guess that was a time when imports and foreign exchange were a bit controlled.

      What sort of axe are we talking about here?
      I’m guessing:
      *wooden (hickory?)shaft
      * length 70cm? ( a bit longer than 45cm…)
      * substantial (1kg) forged steel head.
      * and probably didn’t have a fluorescent paint job some bad name like “predator”
      * or look like this (from Grivel)

      It should be interesting to visit Te-Papa just to see what they turn up.


    • #17645 Reply
      Katja Riedel
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