History of WTMC – help!

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    • #15891 Reply
      Sue W

      Dear All,

      2017 will be our 70th anniversary.

      I’m planning on putting together a comprehensive history on the club, including the RucSacs and Outdoor clubs, to be available to members for the 70th however, this is a really big project. I’m hoping there might be a person or so out there who would be interested in helping out for some or all of the project. In particular it would be wonderful to have help with the following:

      • someone/s to bounce my ideas off;
      • help in gathering information/articles/photos;
      • help in deciding on a logical layout of information; and eventually
      • help in bringing it all together for publication.

      If you are interested in getting more information on this and or helping in some way please get in touch. Likewise if you know of someone who may be, please bring this to their attention.

      My ideal is to have a working group, who represent the different decades of the club, in place by the end of September.

      Hopefully I’ll hear from you?!


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