House sitter / veggie garden waterer wanted

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      Hi all

      It’s that time of year again when I go away tramping and my veggie garden has to fend for itself or, more usually, has to rely on the kindness of friends and strangers.

      I am therefore looking for a house sitter or (if local to Karori) veggie garden waterer for some or all of the time between Dec 23rd and January 13th.

      If you know of someone who is temporarily homeless, or has relatives visiting, or maybe wants to escape the relatives of a flatmate(!) then drop me an e-mail! Equally, if you live in Karori and don’t mind popping round occassionally to give the veggies a dousing and steal some beans etc. then please also get in touch. I can’t offer any money but would be happy to pay bus fares, offer loan of bike or car (currently dead, admittedly), and give combination of beer fridge!



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