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    • #13386 Reply
      Lee-Ann Mitchell

      Christmas & Summer trips are coming up and you are probably looking for lightweight food ideas that wont go off in the heat.
      Ive managed to get some Lisa’s Instant dehydrated hummus down from Auckland as no-one in Wellington wanted to stock it urgently…..
      Ive got about half a dozen extra boxes ( I like it, but not that much!) and 1 packet will make up about 2-1/2 cups of hummus…so you can put as much /as little as you need to take away with you in a ziploc bag…you just add water when you need it.
      If you want to try some …let me know, cross my palm with a $5 note and a box is yours!

    • #17159 Reply
      Paul Jennings

      I got some of this from pak n sav kilbernie about 3 or 4 weeks ago?

    • #17161 Reply
      Lee-Ann Mitchell

      Thanks Paul for advice on where to get the next assignment of goodies..who would have thought Kilbirnie was the gastronomical gourmet centre of the capital! ..New world and Moore Wilsons just dont rate now! Glad to see a good keen tramping man moving away from marmite and into something a bit more tasty and top notch…Miss Chief will be proud…and punters will be scrambling to sign up for your trip now knowing you serve up great grub!
      Punters I can vouch that this man even carts in pesto to add the elegant touch to a stodgy packet stuff here! Jamie Oliver…watch out!

    • #17165 Reply
      Stuart Douce

      Dried/powdered hummus is available at Chaffers New World supermarket. Aisle 6, at the end nearest the tills on the top shelf. Casbah brand. Sits on
      the shelf with boxes of dried falafel, tabbouleh, couscous etc

      dont forget your coupon key card!

    • #17167 Reply
      Craig Jones

      Both of Wanganui?s supermarkets stock Casbah instant humus, but you?d expect this from a forward moving, vibrant business centre such as that. I even have the contact details for the lower North Island distributor if buying a pallet of 500 boxes does it for you?.

    • #17169 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      I thought Lee-Ann was the North Island distributor…

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