Join the gear crew!

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    • #15962 Reply

      Looking for something new in your life?
      Like processes and structure?
      Know what a fly is?

      Look no further! I have the answer! Join the gear crew!

      I’m looking for a few volunteers to help out with the issuing and return of club gear on Wednesday nights between 6.45pm and 7.45pm. It’s a great volunteering role that is very social and fun. You get to hear all the goss about the trips and people bring you tea.*

      It doesn’t involve a big burden or weekly commitment – the more people involved the easier it will be. It will just involve being able to commit to cover the slot every so often, plus an induction so I can show you how it all works. Over the winter I’ll be looking to have two people on each night to make the process of sorting alpine gear run smoothly.

      If you would be able to help please email me through the [url=[cid]=14]gear form on the website[/url] or come speak to me at club next week


      *not guaranteed, but I’m working on getting this routine established

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