Journal Mailout: 5 Volunteers needed 11th Dec

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    • #16059 Reply
      Beccy Day

      The WTMC will soon be sending out the journal and final FMC bulletin of the year. It’s a little bit of work putting all the journals and bulletins into envelopes with address labels and return address stamps. I need 5 volunteers to help me with this job. The stamping is the best bit….. you get to feel really important stamping the back of all those envelopes.

      I’m planning to do this work on Sunday 11th Dec from 17.30 onwards. If I get about 5 volunteers to help me it should only take about 2 hours. Hopefully it’ll also be a bit of social, we will get pizza (sorry…. not paid for by the club, approx $10 each), and we can all bring a beer or two (as long as you don’t spill it on the Journals).

      If you would like to volunteer please reply to this post and I’ll put you on the list.

      The envelope stuffing will be at my house in Highbury (I’ll email out directions).


    • #19020 Reply

      Hi Beccy,

      I can help out :)


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