Kaitoke roadend closed

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      The Puffer Track at the Kaitoke road end (access to Tararua Forest Park) is closed until Saturday 23rd November and both areas will be closed for dogs for approximately three months. Both tracks are being cleared of bait today.

      The Wellington Regional Council advised us this afternoon that they have completed their 1080 operation today. One of the conditions on their MOH consent is the closure of all tracks through the Kaitoke Regional Park for 7 days.

      This includes access from the Kaitoke road end into the Tararua Forest Park and the Rimutaka Incline as both of these sites are jointly managed. Through discussions with Wellington Regional Council, the Rimutaka Incline has an exemption to closure because of the Trentham Harrier Race this weekend, however the Puffer at the Kaitoke road end will remain closed for 7 days from today.

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