Karori Sanctuary GUT BUSTER -calling all walkers and runners

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    • #13745 Reply
      Lee-Ann – Promotions officer

      We’ve had the Karori Sanctuary as a guest presenter at club so thought Id return the favour and post an event for walkers and runners with great prizes…so if you aren’t traming that weekend you could be interested in supporting a “green place” in our city where we often wander on daytrips as a club.

      Sanctuary Gut Buster

      The Combined Rotary Clubs of Wellington, in conjunction with Wellington Harriers, are organising a “round the fence” run to help raise funds for the Combined Rotary Centennial Project ? the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary Discovery Area.
      The run ? called the Sanctuary Gut Buster ? will be on Sunday 9 May 2004, starting at 9.00am from Appleton Park and proceeding around the outside of the Sanctuary?s perimeter fence before finishing back at Appleton Park. The final course details will be available shortly.
      Parts of the fence line are rather steep, so the run is really aimed at medium to experienced runners. For safety reasons bikes, mountain buggies and dogs on a leash will not be permitted during the event.
      Check out http://www.coolrunning.co.nz/races/karori/index.html for further details and entry or contact the Wellington Harriers on 04 389 8615.

    • #17629 Reply
      Richard Park

      Can you please adise where my wife and I can get entry forms for the 2005 Karori Gutbuster?

      Thank you

      Richard Park

    • #17745 Reply

      is the gutbuster on for 2006

    • #17746 Reply


      It looks like it is scheduled for Sunday 30 April 2006



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