Lodge booking officer duties

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    • #14081 Reply
      Mona Jeffreys

      Hi there,

      Unfortunately I am having to resign from this post, and am looking for someone to fill the position. I have streamlined the process, and reckon that it takes at most 3 hours a week in the height of winter, and much less over the rest of the year.

      Bonuses are:
      – priority lodge bookings
      – getting to know the “winter” clubbies
      – free broadband access!

      No special skills needed – though you need to have access to e mail and phone, (and be able to do simple addition for the banking!)

      Do get in contact if you are interested


    • #17681 Reply
      alison hawke


      I could do this, i did say i would arrange weekend contact person but have not heard from Alistair.. Let me know.


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