Looking for a flat

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    • #12959 Reply
      Susan Nightingale

      Hello, my name is Susan. I am in my mid-30s and am currently living on a temporary basis with a friend in Titahi Bay. In a couple of weeks time I will be looking for a flat.

      I would be very interested in hearing about any flats within both the Wellington City Suburbs and around the Porirua area (and possibly outer suburbs).

      I am independent, pet-friendly, can cook and am flexible with arrangements depending on the situation. I like the outdoors and occasionally do weekend walks with the tramping club.

      Also, if anyone knows of a 1 bedroom flat coming up in the future, at reasonable rent, I would also be interested to hear.

      If you know of any future opportunities, or know of anyone who will be looking, I would appreciate it if you contact me on 027 549 3115 or, at my email, .

      Thank you, Susan

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