Mark Pickerings New Book

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    • #14001 Reply


      I briefly had a flick through Mark Pickerings book “A Trampers Journey” at a book store today. It looks like a good read and mentioned a few “older” clubbies that I know.

      Has anybody read the book yet? able to provide some reviews/comments?
      I’m thinking of buying a copy.


    • #17640 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      There is a favourable review of the book in the latest FMC Bulletin. I think John Rhodes may have reviewed it. Not sure on that as I don’t have my copy of Bulletin on me. I know Grant has read it.


    • #17641 Reply
      Grant Newton

      The book is reviewed by Shaun Barnett in this months Wilderness magazine.

      In my opinion the book is OK – I really enjoyed the early content of the book but the latter part seems a bit disjointed and doesn’t have the same flow.

      The early part of the book was very interesting as it details someone new to tramping in NZ, and offers a humorous insight into the quirks of Kiwi tramping culture. His introduction being as a member of the WTMC.

      The Ch-Ch Press newspaper ran a full page article on the book with an extract focussing on Xmas tramps with the WTMC – this is up on the club noticeboard – this section is probably the best part of the book


    • #17642 Reply
      sharron came

      You can borrow my copy if you want.
      I thought it was a good read, well researched and written, reasonably funny too.
      A blend of tramping stories interspersed with some historical information about huts etc. It kind of starts off as a formative thing – the authors early memories of tramps and how his tramping progressed but later on he uses stories from his mates and as Grant says the book becomes a bit more random.

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