Marlborough Tramping Club 75th Jubilee

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      The Secretary Marlborough Tramping Club P.O Box 787

      The Marlborough Tramping Club is to celebrate its 75th Jubilee at Queens Birthday Weekend next year. In an endeavour to contact as many past members or interested persons as possible, would you be able to advise your membership via your club newsletter of the jubilee on our behalf. We intend to have a registration evening on the Friday night followed by a formal dinner on the Saturday night. Anyone interested in attending should contact the secretary as soon as possible for details.

      Carol Oliver

      Secretary (MTC)

      Dear Sir/Madam

      The Marlborough Tramping Club is to celebrate its 75th Jubilee at Queens Birthday Weekend next year. In an endeavour to contact as many past members or interested persons as possible, would you be able to advise your membership via your club newsletter of the jubilee on our behalf. We intend to have a registration evening on the Friday night followed by a formal dinner on the Saturday night. Anyone interested in attending should contact the secretary as soon as possible for details.

      Many thanks and Kind Regards

      Carol Oliver


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