Maud Island Punters Needed

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      I have organised a volunteering trip to Maud Island, a DoC bird Sanctuary in the top of the Pelorus Sound. Dates Aug 10th-13th. We need a minimum of 10 punters to make it work. We will be leaving on the Thursday night, and returning on Sunday night, it will require that you take one day off of work.

      We will be staying in a lodge on the island. We will be building fences, Takahe breeding enclosures, learning about the various breeding, pest erradication and reforestation programmes on the island. Hopefully we will also have a bit of time to sit in the sun and do some exploring on our own.

      Home to many of NZ’z rare native birds, including the Takahe, Pelorus Sound is a lovely place to visit. There is a large gannet colony nearby and for those who haven’t visited Pelorus sound, it is a really spectacular area… my personal favorite spot for kayaking!

      Access to Maud is restricted, so this is a rare opportunity to visit and explore the island, while helping the conservation cause.

      If you are interested, please send me an email ASAP or talk to me at club, I would like to get my list of punters finalised this week.

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