meridan energy tv adds

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    • #14048 Reply

      if like me you enjoy the meridan energy ads with the river and the floaty thing in the wind, you can view them from the meridan website and enjoy a quiet moment of peace at work!

    • #17665 Reply
      Geoff Keey

      It’s amazing what a river is like without a turbine on it to munch up the flower (and eels or anything else that goes through it). The best advert for dam-free rivers that I’ve ever seen.

    • #17666 Reply
      Chris Munn

      And how did the pohutokawa flower end up in the stream, well above the bushline in a very alpine environment anyway? The guy who thought up that idea has obviously never left the comfortable environment of the city, thats for sure. Just another example of corporate brainwashing. We are being softened up for something here folks.

    • #17667 Reply
      Geoff Keey

      More hydro dams

    • #17668 Reply

      Has anyone worked out whether its sposed to be a pohutakawa flower or a rata flower? I assume the ad is supposed to represent one of the south island lakes (Manapouri perhaps?) If a Southern rata those trees only grow up to around 760m asl.

      What gets me with the advert is showing all the humans interacting with the wonderful river before it gets to the lake. Shame it doesn’t show the downstream area or a before and after shot of the river basins which were drowned to form the lake. Maybe F&B or Greenpeace should get a companion advert running to complete the story!

    • #17669 Reply
      Geoff Keey

      Morning Report had a story about the advert, I suggest people email and tell them what they think about the credibility of the advert. I reckon it’s the best advert for why rivers shouldn’t be dammed!

    • #17670 Reply

      I used to sit and watch teh ads and it made me feel at peace with the world and calm and relaxed, now I just get angry that its a manup;lation for development and capitalistic gain!

    • #17671 Reply

      Damn, no more dams eh? Better get those windmills whirling, oops can’t have that, too much “swishing” noise, might just have to burn some coal, oops can’t do that, too many snails and kiwis. I propose banning TV and the internet to save electricity!

    • #17672 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      Let’s become a BANANA republic. Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anybody. Opps I forgot, we already are one.

    • #17673 Reply

      well, I voted to have the street race in wellington

    • #17674 Reply

      Glynne, I think you have a conflict of interest that you should disclose! Personally I’m looking at swapping to solar water heating to do my bit to conserve energy – if only a small % of households did the same and businesses got energy audits we wouldn’t be faced with a energy “crisis”. By the way, I really like your pylons Glynne – Makara peak funtions well as a regenerating forest and recreational area crisscrossed with pylons. I just wouldn’t want to see glossy TV adverts with soft focus, accordian music in the background comparing them to that icon of the City of Love (Paris).

    • #17675 Reply


      do you think that was the river you wouldnt let us cross on the 5 passes trip back in 02?

    • #17676 Reply

      actually, Glynne, if you could find a way of harvesting all that lightening that hit us on cow (mooo!) saddle on that trip, you’d be on to something…..

    • #17677 Reply
      sharron came

      I initially thought that too then I had a more charitable thought that the flower is supposed to be a rata flower…

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