Milford Track 125th Heritage Walk opportunity

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    • #15623 Reply
      Anna Star

      A unique heritage walk is being held along the Great Walk Milford Track to celebrate 125 years of this fantastic New Zealand tramping track.

      The heritage tramp will run from the 31st of October until the 3rd of November 2013 – Ticket sales are now open, please visit the DOC website for more information and to book a place

      “To commemorate the extensive heritage of ‘the finest walk in the world’ the Department of Conservation is offering a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the footfalls that have come before you.

      Walkers along on this heritage walk will be accompanied by five expert guides dressed in period costume to entertain and inform. The guides are all specialists on the Milford Track and some are part of the history itself. Their stories and experiences will bring the history of the track to life, detailing history, culture and current biodiversity work in the area.

      You will receive 125 years of insight into this remarkable track – embedded in New Zealand and Fiordland history. Meet the characters, experience life how it was, and undertake a journey you will never forget!”

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