Moonlight Southern

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    • #14097 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      Yibai He and Alistair Young enjoyed a moonlight Southern last Friday night.

      Seemingly there was a bit of wind on the tops, but no problems for the intrepid duo.

      I can’t wait to read the trip report!

    • #17682 Reply
      Yibai He

      Hi Glynne,

      Thanks for the help out. We did it in 14 hours, probably is the slowest so far, but the weather on the top wasn’t too nice(excuses). I’ve found the most challenging part of the trip is driving back Wellington trying not falling into sleep on my wheels!
      I?m assuming Alistair is writing the chapter one of the story, let?s just wait? :)


    • #17683 Reply
      Alistair Young

      Id completely forgotten to do the trip report – Ill get onto it 2morrow. Actually yibai fell asleep repeatedly at the wheel – I woke him on at least 3 occassions ha ha I think the lack of sleep and walking out along the marchant ridge the next moring was the biggest challenge – the tops were very windy and the snow was soft but I was pleased with our efforts it was a spectacular trip absolutely awsome the best Ive done with the club yet.

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