Mountain Clean-up Day Saturday 19 March 2005

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    • #12610 Reply

      The club received the following letter from DOC – if you’re interested please email me or contact Sue Walsh by Monday 28 February 2005.

      As discussed at the Ruapehu Mountain Clubs Association annual dinner last October, we would like to run a mountain clean-up day on Saturday 19th March 2005.

      A great deal of ski season rubbish surfaces from under the snow each summer and I hope that you and our ski club members can assist us in collecting this and keeping our World Heritage National Park as clean as possible.

      The plan for the day is to assemble outside Lorenzos Bar & Cafe at 9am, from there teams will be assembled, issued with rubbish bags & gloves and dispatched to cover various areas of the ski field. Scottie Barrie will be taking care of the logistics for the day. A sausage sizzle and refreshments will be provided afterwards.

      Should the weather be unsuitable on the Saturday, the clean-up will be postponed until the following day – Sunday 20th March.

      If you and/or your club members are able to assist, please fill in the form attached and return to us by Monday 28th February 2005. (**contact club Secretary or Sue Walsh by 28 Feb*)

      -Warren Furner
      Proramme Manager – Community Services
      DOC – Ruapehu Area Office

    • #16725 Reply
      Andrew Trembath

      If any thinking of going let me know. We also could look at using the lodge for the weekend. Andrew

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