Mountainbike Trip – 1-2 dec – Mangahao Dams

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    • #14516 Reply

      Some more info in regards to the (first–aaarch!!!) trip I’m leading the weekend of 1-2 December.

      Leave on SATURDAY – 10 AM with own transport to Shannon
      Bike Mangahoa Dam Track ( easy – medium (not technical)), see below
      Drive to Manakau to camp,BBQ and swim at DOC Camping Ground
      Sunday: Bike “secret track”

      Can some-one miss biking rack that weekend?


      Mangahao Dams

      For all riders, 2-5 hours, 20+km

      Head south from Palmerston North, over the Fitzherbert Bridge and follow road signs to Linton, Tokomaru then Shannon along Highway 57. Take the first turn left at Shannon and follow Mangahao Rd to the reserve near the power house.

      Displays near the power house detail the history of the system’s construction. A ride up and along to the top dam is interesting and the return trip down is a blast. Care must be taken as cars use this public road.

      Side tracks offer rides to a trig station and down via the penstocks (steep!) and Tokomaru Valley.

      100% gravel road, less if 4WD tracks taken

    • #17964 Reply


      Please I have the organisers name and number so I can call you about this trip.


    • #17965 Reply

      Due to not too much interest and a moving company that crashed my car during last weekend, this trip will be cancelled.

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