Mt Dagg hut removal

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    • #12964 Reply

      Important notice to visitors

      Tararua Forest Park
      Mt Dagg hut removal

      Mt Dagg hut (Map No S26 E 224 00 N 362 00) has been removed from the Tararua Forest Park and will not be replaced.

    • #16929 Reply
      Ray Walker

      Mount Dagg hut removed? Bugger! I was horrified to learn that there was a hut in the Tararuas that I had never heard of. Within seconds of reading the above I had my topomap S26 unfolded on the lounge floor and zoomed in on S26 E 224 00 N 362 00. And there it was: a peak called Dagg at an altitude of 760 metres, and about 5mm away was an unlabeled dot – presumably the Mt. Dagg hut.

      It seems that neither Chris McLean nor Merv Rodgers mention this hut in their books on the Tararuas. So I guess that it wasn’t a very popular destination.

      Maybe we should include a nostalgic trip to this location in the next trip schedule!!!

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