MTB Ride – Wed evening

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    • #12795 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Daylight saving is here and with it comes a series of Wednesday evening mountain bike rides. The first ride is Wednesday 12th (tomorrow).

      When: meet 5:15pm at the Star Mart on The Terrace
      Where: out to Karori, up Wrights Hill Skyline track, around the Karori Sanctuary perimeter, down the Rollercoaster track and back to town by 7:30pm

      Wednesday 19th Oct – same time, same meeting place, but we’ll head up to Makara Peak MTB park, again back in town by 7:30pm

      Drop me an email if you’re keen or just turn up at 5:15pm (or arrange to meet us along the way e.g. Karori)


    • #16823 Reply
      sharron came

      And can the people who lead the Wed evening trips please remember to email me after the event with your trip numbers.

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