Nepal Earthquake – tips for donating

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      Many of us have been trekking or climbing in Nepal or have an association with the country because of all the good work Kiwi humanitarians like Sir Ed Hillary have undertaken and continue to undertake there. Maybe you are keen to help out because while Nepal rich in scenary, big mountains and lovely people it is not rich in financial or in infrastructure terms and therefore the country needs all the help it can get in the face of a large scale natural disaster.


      There are many ways to help out but giving $ is probably the quickest and most practical at this stage. If anyone wants to contribute to the Nepal earthquake response a colleague of Mike Gilbert’s NIke Fone has taken a look at the available funding channels and made a few recommendations. Hopefully this information will be helpful to anyone wanting to donate.

      See research from Nick Fone below.

      Hi everyone,

      A few of you may quite rightly have some reservations about donating to a charity as you are unsure where your donation money is being spent, so I have done some of the financial research for you to remove a barrier (and an excuse ).

      Below I have listed four extremely well regarded charities who all have a Nepalese Earthquake response plan. Each one of them commits at least 97% of your donation to the cause.
      I have quickly summarised their respective action plans, and below each donation link I have posted a third party charity audit (from which will give you a brief financial breakdown and an overall score.

      These are all 4 out of 4 star charities who have an incredibly high rating of at least 96/100.

      Quick Summary:

      GlobalGiving: The fund will help first responders meet survivors’ immediate needs for food, fuel, clean water, hygiene products, and shelter. Once initial relief work is complete, this fund will transition to support longer-term recovery efforts run by local, vetted local organizations.

      MAP International: MAP International is responding by sending urgently needed medicines and supplies to our partners on the ground.

      Heart to Heart International: An advance team is en route, a medical team will follow shortly, we are coordinating with partners on the ground to provide large shipments of needed medical aid and supplies.

      Direct Relief: Direct Relief’s emergency response team is in and around Kathmandu. They are connecting today with Doctors for You, a highly regarded partner organization that Direct Relief funded to deploy to the region.

      These are all 100% transparent charities (ie. their financial spending is open).

      Donation Links:

      Direct Relief

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