New members’ intro night – 21 February

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    • #14379 Reply
      Amanda Wells

      The annual WTMC new members’ intro night is coming up on Wednesday 21 February, at the Tararua Hall in Moncrieff St, from 7.30pm..

      Spread the word if you know people keen to find out about tramping and the other activities the club offers.

      Also I’m looking for a few more WTMCers to help out on the night. For example, you could be on a table for a different activity (tramping/kayaking/mountaineering/mtb/etc) and answer people’s questions. Easy and fun! Please email if you’re keen.

    • #17854 Reply
      Mark Roberts

      I hope to turn up as I am keen to get into tramping and seeing more of New Zealand.

    • #17855 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd


      The club is also offering an excellent Bushcraft course on the weekend of 17-18 March. Come along to find out more about it.

      Glynne Lloyd

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