Newsletter Editor

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      I’m divesting myself of all sorts of responsibilities at the end of October to go tramping and climbing on the South Island for 4 months before heading home to Scotland in March. So no work, no rent, and no editing of the WTMC newsletter. I’ve certainly enjoyed the job in the brief time I’ve done it – it’s not too taxing and I’ve got to know a lot more people in the club through hassling them for content :-)

      The job involves

      — getting a newsletter out around once every 6 weeks

      — chasing .hassling and occassionally blackmailing people into writing trip reports or other items

      — arranging the content into the newsletter template (currently Microsoft Word). This usually takes a couple of hours on the computer.

      — emailing the completed newsletter to the printers and picking up the box of copies the next day (a car of a friend with a car is useful at this point. Or strong arms I guess)

      — buying the necessary prepaid envelopes and sheets of sticky labels (remember to keep the receipts to get the money back from Simon)

      — using the latest membership list (Microsoft Excel) to create and print the labels for the envelopes (you will need access to printer)

      — taking the box of newsletters, envelopes, labels and anything else that needs to be send to members (FMC newsletters, trip schedules, membership lists etc) to the club on a Wednesday night and press ganging people into stuffing envelopes. (again a car is rather good, those boxes of FMC bulletins weigh a tonne!)

      So is anyone interested? Let me know or send an email to the committee. I promise to contribute at least one bit of content ‘from the road’ so you’ll not be faced with a blnk page to start with ..



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