NZ Geographic / Tararuas : Wilderness questions

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      For those interested there is a good article on the Tararuas in the latest (March April) copy of NZ Geographic. Written by Shaun Barnett it obviously contains some truly great photos. You should find it at a library or bookstore.

      Article Factoid : 55 people have died in the Tararuas.
      23 drownings, 14 hypothermia cases, 1 murder, and one WWII accident with a hand grenade. (Leave the grenades at home kids)

      There is also some good background on the development of State Forest Parks and food for thought on the presence of huts and general development of facilities in the Tararuas. It describes well known painter John Rundle of HVTC as lamenting the “loss of wilderness” during a period in the early 1960’s when 10 new huts and new tracks were added to the Tararuas.

      Like many others I now get upset by the removal of huts and tracks but also stongly value the preservation of wilderness. John’s comments makes me wonder if it is a case of the general public “wanting their cake and to eat it”. It also makes me think that assessment of “Wilderness” is a very subjective matter. How does one meaure the degree of Wilderness a place or experience has?

      A few searches turned up some good reading at DOC
      (Also contains some photos of clubbies)

      Has anyone seen any other publications about Wildernes in relation to NZ?

      Anyhow enough musing…

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