NZAC Summer Rock course 2016 – registrations open

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      Hello trampers,

      Registration is now open for the 2016 New Zealand Alpine Club Summer Rock course.

      The Wellington section of NZAC has been running this course for over 10 years with the aim of promoting safe, fun climbing and to encourage new climbers in Wellington. It is run over six weeks between February and April. By the end of the course participants are able to climb safely indoors and outdoors, including top-rope belaying, lead belaying, lead climbing, setting up anchors and abseiling. The level and quality of instruction and feedback you get on your climbing and belaying is really high. And it’s a great way to meet a bunch of lovely folk to climb with.

      Some of you may have heard Henry and me waxing lyrical at the club earlier in the month about the many benefits we have got from doing this course. It’s an excellent way to learn the skills you need in order to join WTMC climbing trips.

      More info on the course content, costs and dates can be found at (scroll down the page to find the links) or by emailing . Worth registering quickly if you are keen as there are just 12 spaces.


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