Oriwa Biv removal

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    • #14433 Reply
      Bronwyn B

      Tararua Forest Park
      Oriwa Biv removal

      ? Oriwa Biv has been removed and will not be replaced. There is no permanent shelter available at this site. (NZ Topo Map S25 E 2708300
      N 6048100)

      ? Camping sites are available, and water can be collected from a water tank.

      ? The closest hut is Waiopehu hut 1 1/2 hours walk away (NZ Topo Map S25 E 2709075 N 6050664) ? there is no marked track to the old Oriwa Biv site.

    • #17896 Reply

      And what a magnificient campsite it is too. It is an excellent trip up the Makaretu to Oriwa. Maybe late in the next schedule?

    • #17897 Reply

      Maybe Doc could have left it there and taken a claim to the Weathertight Homes Tribunal? :-) I never found the biv dry – even in summer.

      Like Craig said really nice camping slightly to the East of the biv.


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