Orongaronga Catchment Walk

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    • #12050 Reply
      Glynne Lloyd

      The Wellington Regional Council has granted the club an opportunity to do a guided “fit” walk into the Orongaronga Water Catchment on Sunday 15 December. This follows on from the successful “easy” walks into the Wainuiomata Water Catchment.

      This area is normally off limits to the public and has been for many years. It is only through a recently introduced ballot system that clubs such as ours have been given the opportunity to visit this pristine forest area. This is the first series of “fit” walks that have been offerred and go further afield than the Wainuiomata “easy” walks that have been runnning for 3 years or so now.

      The walk shall be limited to a maximum number of 10. You are expected to be reasonably experienced in the bush and be able to walk on steep well benched tracks at a reasonable pace for up to 8 hours.

      I will be advertising the trip on clubnights. Priority will be given to members first.


    • #16299 Reply
      john rhodes

      Glynne, Orongorongo is spelt like that. John

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