Otaki Gorge Road remedial progress update 23 June

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    • #16003 Reply
      Tony G

      The following message is from our on the spot reporter:

      ‘Lots of work, 5 diggers, a couple of bulldozers and 3 massive dump trucks, I have been to the top of the slip a few times and it appears that they are doing a “proper” job that should stop the recurring problems there.

      About a month to go until they are back down to the original road level and then I think that they will complete the reinforcement of the area below the road (which is what was happening before the big slip came down) So it should all be up and running in early spring.’

      The KCDC is claiming should all be completed by end of July – we’ll just have to wait and see.

    • #19004 Reply
      Tony G

      Road now open.

    • #19005 Reply
      John Arthur

      The road is open

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