Paynes Ford Bolt clipping trip

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      Hello everyone,

      I am leading a trip to Climb at Paynes ford from Friday 17 Jan to Monday night 20th Jan, Wellington Anniversary weekend,

      There is lots of good limestone climbing around the area so if you stuggle getting up a 16 like me there is still plenty to do.

      Travel will be by ferry / hire Van, camping at Mad Willy’s (Hang Dog Camp).

      If you are interested or know some one who is then please register your interest with me asap.
      As we need to get ferry / van organised this side of Christmas..

      Cost will be around $ 130 – 140?
      that is a rough guess.

      I’m keen on a trip of 8 to 10 people

      You will need to know what a climbing harness is and be a competient Belayer. Access to your own gear will be best although the club does have harnesses and Ropes available.



      hm ph 972 5600

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