Pesticide Summary

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    • #14506 Reply

      Hi y’all

      Here’s the Wellington Conservancy’s Pesticide Summary for those of you with dogs to walk or hunters:

      I’m not sure how to make a proper link in a forum like this so you may have to do some clicking here and there to get to it…

      any problems let me know – oh, this will also help, I’ll give you the phone #’s of the local area offices if you need to ask any questions of the Programme Manager Biodiversity/Threats
      Kapiti Area Office: (04)296-1112
      Wairarapa Area Office: (06)377-0700
      Poneke Area Office: (04)472-5821

      Also please be aware that these are busy offices and it’s better to call on a Monday if you’re thinking about going in an area the following weekend, don’t leave it till the Friday!

      Also please be aware that Greater Wellington Regional council also runs pest erradication programs and have Regional Parks which border DOC parks – like the Akatarawa’s – so you may want to find out from them or their web site what pest operations they’ve got on the go…

      Hope that helps! Cheers, Bron

    • #17939 Reply

      Damm, that link didn’t work – I don’t know how to put links to documents on a forum – sorry… here’s the long version then – go to the DOC website – click on Regions, click on Wellington, click on Conservation, click on Threats and Impacts – the last square on that page is the Wellington Consy’s PestSumry.. just email me if you want me to email you the pdf!

      cheers, B

    • #17941 Reply

      Thanks Bronwyn, much appreciated. will give you a yell if I have a venison bbq.


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