Photo Comp Results

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    • #14522 Reply
      Social Convenor

      Gidday All,
      Last night Shaun Barnett did his usual excellent job of judging our photo comp.

      Congratulations go to:
      Landscape Category: runner up – Ian Harrison. WINNER – Tony Gazley
      Water Category: runner up – Paul Grimwood. WINNER – Grant Newton
      Drama Category: runner up – Tony Gazley. WINNER – Paul Grimwood
      Flora & Fauna Category: runner up – Victoria McGregor. WINNER – Alison Stevenson
      Hut Life Category: no awards made

      BEST IN COMP: Shaun judged Tony Gazley’s Landscape photo best.
      BIVOUAC PEOPLE’S CHOICE: Went to Grant Newton who had TWO photos tied in first place.

      Well done all.

      Many thanks to Shaun Barnett, Bivouac and Sarah Young for their support and hard work.

      The photos will be published in next year’s journal, but if you can’t wait till then they are on the club laptop, so if you turn up on Wednesday, you may get a peek.

      The Tea Lady

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