photo competition 2006

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    • #14313 Reply
      social committee

      Shaun Barnett, aclaimed co-author of Classic Tramping in New Zealand
      (, has kindly agreed to judge this years photo competition. Categories will be announced at club night. Closing date for entries 11th October. No late entries will be accepted. Announcements and slide show of entries will be held on the 26th October at club night.

      We look forward to receiving all of your fabulous photographs!

    • #17807 Reply

      Excellent. He did an very good job of judging the NZAC competition earlier this year and gave thoughtful comments on all the photos.

      What are the categories again?

      hut life



      Any other rules? Must have been taken in the last 12 months? Any restriction on number of entries (eg no more than 3 per category) or size of digital files? Any restriction on the amount of post-prodution tweaking allowed (eg no photoshopping; or adjustments only allowed to brightness/contrast/levels; or anything goes – stick a flaming red sunset nicked off the web behind your otherwise not too interesting photo of your tent etc). The NZAC competition rules say

      “Images must not be digitally manipulated in any way apart from cropping, resizing, exposure or tonal adjustments. Obvious modification of images is not in keeping with the objectives of this competition and may result in disqualification.”

      – which seems reasonable.


    • #17809 Reply
      social committee

      The categories will be: hut life, water, landscape and danger. We are also encouraging entries of video footage.

      I agree with you re: cropping etc and believe we will follow the Alpine Club’s rules. I am in the process of discussing the finer details of the competition with Shaun – I want to be sure he is happy with our thinking before I finalise everything.

      Will be in touch – via the website


    • #17810 Reply
      Grant Newton

      How about the following categories:

      Flora & fauna
      Alpine (or could be substituted with water/snow/ice category)


      As I remember last year, Danger hardly got any entries, and those that were entered had more to do with other stuff …… just a suggestion. Action, danger and humour categories are good … but we struggle to get enough entries


    • #17811 Reply

      I sort of agree – it is hard to get many photos that convey “danger” while on tramping trips. But – it’s also fun to be set a challenge of trying something a bit different and to try to go out and take pictures that are a little bit different from the regular people tramping / flora / fauna / landscapes.

      “Hut life” is good too – scope for indoor or outdoor, landscape and/or portrait, journalistic or humourous.

    • #17812 Reply

      “Images must not be digitally manipulated in any way apart from cropping, resizing, exposure or tonal adjustments. Obvious modification of images is not in keeping with the objectives of this competition and may result in disqualification.”

      I agree with 3 of those 4 points. I cannot see why cropping should be allowed. It is up to the photographer to not leave their finger in front of the lens as they take the shot and to place the subject of the photo in the photo (and not into an obscure corner of the photo).


    • #17813 Reply

      On the other hand… isn’t cropping an artistic & technical decision – part of the photographer’s art? And some subjects might look better with the sides in different ratios from the standard image. If people crop too much, there will be a natural penalty in the loss of resolution.

      Isn’t it hard to compare videos with stills? Maybe there should be a “video” category? Subjects could be left open, or we could change the subject each year. The length of the videos could be limited to, say, 30 seconds, which could keep video phones in the running.

    • #17814 Reply
      Grant Newton

      I’m in favour of allowing cropping as it’s not distorting reality. The alpine club’s rule looks good to me.

      As for categories, what about 5 categories:

      People / hutlife / camping
      Flora & fauna
      Drama (humour/action/danger etc)


    • #17815 Reply
      Grant Newton

      Oh, and what about overseas shots? This has been a point of discussion in the past.

      I think these shots are OK if taken on an activity of a type that the club normally does e.g. Tramping, Mountaineering, MTB, Cycle touring, sea kayaking etc, but not general travel

      …. how about “Photos must be taken on club trips, or private trips (both NZ and foreign) if of the nature of trips normally undertaken by the club” ??


    • #17816 Reply
      social committee

      Hi All
      Thank you very much for all of your comments! I have read them through and will take them all into consideration.

      With regard to the categories, Yvette has done a great job influencing three sponsors to donate to the competition, specifically:
      Bivouwac ‘water’,
      Bivouwac ‘landscape’ and
      Mainly Tramping ‘People’s Choice Award’.
      The titles of these categories can therefore not be changed.

      I agree that changing the title of the category ‘danger’ to ‘drama’ is a good idea, as is keeping the video category. I shall confer with the social committee re: the category ‘flora and forna’ as this will have an influence over sponsorship (further work involved) – I agree it is a great idea in principle.

      Therefore, the categories for the competition will be:
      Water, Landscape, Hut Life, Drama and Video, with ‘flora and forna under consideration.

      See you all on Wednesday


    • #17817 Reply

      Does it has to be club trip? haven’t done any trip with club for a while. Also what size of digital photo will you take, if it’s not resized then my photo is about 3-4 M each!


    • #17821 Reply


      did anyone picked up my photo(CD)? if you did, thanks.


    • #17822 Reply
      social committee

      HI Yibai
      I have your photo here in my flat – thank you very much for your entry.

    • #17823 Reply

      Thanks Sarah, just realise the closing date is next month not last wed, sorry for my mistake.


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