Photo competition 2006 – rules

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      social committee

      Photography Competition 2006

      Shaun Barnett, author, photographer and tramper has kindly agreed to judge this year?s photography competition on 26 October 2006. Shaun has been wandering the hills of New Zealand with his camera for over 20 years. He’s still a film addict, although he can definitely see some advantages of digital. Recently he’s judged the photo competitions of the NZAC (Wellington section) and the Rangitieki Tramping Club (in Marton).

      Our sincere thanks go to our sponsors as without them this competition could not be run.

      The photography competition results will be announced on the 26 October 2006 at WTMC.

      This year we have 5 categories:

      Bivouac Water

      Bivouac Landscape

      Lodge Sub Committee Hut Life

      Tisdalls Drama

      Bivouac Video

      ? All entries for the competition must be placed onto CD and handed to Sarah Cartmell no later than close of club night on the 11 October.

      ? No print formats will be accepted. Please get your print/ slide images transferred onto CD in order to enter. Write your name and contact phone number on the CD. Save all the photos being entered onto the CD using the following naming convention: category entered_your name_title of the photo

      ? Images must not be digitally manipulated in any way apart from resizing, exposure or tonal adjustments. Obvious modification of images is not in keeping with the objectives of this competition and may result in disqualification.

      ? Photographs/ video clips must be taken within the last 12 months.

      ? Video clips must be a maximum of 30 seconds in length.

      ? There is no limit to the number of entries per person. However, if there are too many entries, the judge reserves the right to limit the number shown on the night.

      ? The judge?s decision is final. All prizes are $50 in value.

      The Mainly Tramping ?People?s Choice? award will also be held on the 26 October when you will be invited to vote for your favourite photograph.

      Thank you very much to our sponsors and to Shaun Barnett for donating their time, knowledge and prizes to this competition. WTMC is indebted to them all.

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