Photo Competition Details

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    • #14499 Reply
      Social Convenor

      Hello All,
      Important dates: deadline for entry 14 November; competition night 28 November.

      All other details either here:
      or pick up a flyer at club night.

      The Tea Lady

    • #17930 Reply
      Mike McGavin


      Would it be possible to please clarify what counts as a prohibited obvious modification?

      Does this only apply to very obvious modifications such as pasting a pretty tree that wasn’t really there over a flaw in a photo, or does it also cover various other kinds of post-processing that might usually be more common?

      A few examples that I’m cuious about might be:

      * Cropping off some edges.

      * Stitching together several photos into a panorama.

      * Black & White-i-fying a photo to increase the contrast a bit.

      After Shaun Barnett’s judging last year, I had the impression that he was in favour of certain kinds of post-processing, and he suggested it in quite a few cases.


    • #17931 Reply
      Social Convenor

      I checked with Shaun and this is the email reply he sent. Hope it clarifies.

      “Hi Marie,

      I’m actually rather a purist when it come to outdoor photos..

      I would consider that cropping would be OK, but I reckon it’s better to compose carefully when you actually take the photo rather than try to rely on post-processing.

      As for most other post-processing, I would not be in favour of it all. Certainly not removing or adding anything, altering colours, or merging two pictures.

      I think acceptable post-processing would include: some shadow enhancement. Limited cropping. Unsharp mask to improve crispness. Basically anything that you would have done in the old darkroom to a print is allowable, but using photoshop to significantly alter images is not.

      Of course, if a competitor is clever enough at using photoshop, I’m not going to be able to tell if it has been unfairly manipulated or not.

      But it is probably worth saying that I would view this practice as unethical in the photo competition. If I found out an image had been unfairly manipulated, I would request that it was disqualified.

      I hope that’s helpful.

      Cheers Shaun”

    • #17932 Reply
      Mike McGavin

      Neat. Thanks for chasing this up so quickly.


    • #17933 Reply
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